Foster Care, Adoption, and Beyond: Untold Stories

Episode 3 | Becoming a Homeless Youth in the United States

zayda sorrell-medina Episode 3

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There are millions of homeless youth in the United States, which represents a critical social problem to be addressed by social workers, scientists, policy makers, nonprofits, and other professionals. In this episode, I share my story on how I became a homeless youth in the U.S. and share strategies on how you can support this population. 

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About Me

Dr. Zayda Sorrell-Medina is a professor of social work, researcher, author, educator, and advocate. Her research aims to understand how society (e.g., nonprofits, government) contributes to the inclusion and exclusion of social groups, and particularly among immigrants, religious and ethnic groups, and the foster, adoption, homeless youth community. She is also a foster-adopt parent and former foster-homeless youth and advocate of this community.

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A new episode is released monthly on the 11th with special releases sprinkled throughout the year.


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